Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that the Direlands Gear Knight Invasion has started to spread." Town Crier tells you, "I've heard reports of additional activity in the areas presently held by the Gear Knights." Maybe I can apply next time they're hiring." Town Crier tells you, "The Arcanum has a new apprentice, Cara. Town Crier tells you, "It seems preparations are already beginning for the wedding ceremony, I'm so excited." Dull Aetherium Ore Stockpile Bright Aetherium Ore Stockpile/ Dull Aetherium Ore Stockpile/.General Tarkaris Gear Hunter/ Gear Hunter Mage/ General Tarkaris/.Stockpile Guardian (Level 185) Iron Blade Warmaster/ Stockpile Guardian (Level 60)/ Stockpile Guardian (Level 185)/.Colosseum Vault - Loot updated to the equivalent of 3-4 MFK pulls.10.4S, 75.2W - Direlands Gear Knight Dungeon - Now holds different NPCs associated with the Atamarr Tasks quest, and used as part of the Aetherium Raid (High) quest.

Colosseum Coin Collector - Now sells Crate of Greater Deadly Blunt Arrowheads instead of a single Wrapped Bundle of Greater Deadly Blunt Arrowheads.April 1: Mad Cows appeared in all the towns.Fuzzy Bunny Slayer Quest and Tanada House of Pancakes Quest - In game until April 15 (see this thread on the Turbine boards.Gear Knight Invading Phalanxes are now a random spawn all over the Direlands.